For example, the first stage could be ad hoc decentralized tracking of project assignments by person, while the last stage could be individual feedback on task status. 例如,第一个阶段是,由人进行项目分配的特定分散跟踪,而最后一个阶段是对任务状态的个别反馈。
The Value of Moral-Side-Constraints& The Perspective of Reviewing the Individual Rights and the Status of State 道德边际约束的价值意蕴&考察个体权利与国家权力的另一种视角
I have also assumed that demographic decline in Europe, Russia and Japan, as well as differences in their interests, will prevent their individual rise to superpower status or the creation of an alliance to balance US power. 我还猜想欧洲、俄罗斯和日本的人口下降,以及它们在利益上的分歧,将使它们各自都不能崛起为超级大国,也不能结成联盟来抗衡美国的实力。
Request and receive status reports in the format they want and consolidate individual status reports into one project status report that they can then present to stakeholders. 按所需格式请求和接收状态报告,并将各个状态报告合并到一个项目状态报告中,以提供给风险承担者。
Face is a mark of personal pride and forms the basis of an individual's reputation and social status. 面子是个人自尊心的体现,并显示了个人声望和社会地位。
Ancient China is a rigid hierarchy, country. an individual position, status, ages and experience is very important. 中国古代是一个等级森严的社会,一个人的身份,地位,年龄,阅历非常重要。
Once qualified, the duration of an individual's status as qualified inspection personnel is unlimited. 一旦合格,个人拥有合资格的检验人员的身份是无限期的。
Without downplaying the theme of collective identity, I argue that the recognition of individual status is an equally important motivation. 本文作者并未忽视集体认同这个主题,但主张个人身份的认知是一个同样重要的动机。
In the thesis, on the basis of comparing team advantage and individual advantage, favorable status of construction of high-level team in enterprise's development is analyzed. 在本文中,作者通过对比团队和个体的优势出发,阐述高层管理团队建设在企业发展中的优势地位。
Changing individual risk preference or improving individual social status is not theoretically feasible; 通过减少个体风险偏好或提高其对社会地位的重视程度来增加消费的方法在理论上并不可行;
The impact factors are as follows: levels of anxiety and depression, subjective happiness, life satisfaction, self-respect level, nurturance level, individual character, healthy status, repeated administration, low social support and low family income, etc. 其影响因素多与焦虑抑郁水平、主观幸福感、生活满意度、自尊水平、养育方式水平、个人性格、健康状况、反复入院、低社会支持、低家庭经济收入等有关;
Self-designed inventory: including general data, individual character, economic status, family environment, parental rearing style, and the top 10 problems that affected emotion and psychology. 自制的调查问卷:如一般资料、个人特征、经济状况、家庭环境父母教育方式和最影响情绪和心理的10大问题。
The rising of humanities education in universities has its profound background of times. The development of science and technology, society, individual and the status quo of students ′ humane quality require reinforcing education of the humanities imperatively. 大学人文教育的兴起有着深刻的时代背景,科技的发展、社会的发展、个体自身的发展及我国大学生人文素质现状迫切要求加强大学生的人文教育。
This thesis analyzed the distribution of Chinese individual income status quo and held the standpoint that there is a magnifying tendency of the difference among the distribution of individual income but it is still not reach the extent of becoming divided. 本文对我国个人收入分配现状进行了分析,认为个人收入分配差距存在扩大化的趋势,但尚未达到两级分化的程度。
Conclusion: There is no likely correlation between the individual nutritional status and copper nutritional status in adolescent females according to referential standards. 结论:营养评价参考标准所评价出的个体的营养状况与女性发铜值未见有意义的关系。
Using micro panel data from 9 provinces of China, this paper examines the relation between household per capita income, community-level income inequality and individual self-rated health status. 本文使用来自中国9个省的微观面板数据,检验了居民自评健康与家庭人均收入和社区内收入不均之间的相关关系。
Individual Social and Economic Status and Residents 'Participation of Social Medical Insurance in Wuhan City 个人社会经济状况对武汉市居民参加社会医疗保险的影响的研究
Combining the social and individual status to generate life attitude; 综合社会本位和个人本位的人生态度;
The more progress of many interest aggregative in west middle age developed the individual status and come into being modern justice which distribute rights to equal individual. 我们以西方古代正义到现代正义的正常发展逻辑来观察中国传统的正义观,可以从另一个侧面理解西方正义发展逻辑的合理性。
In Sociogram G. if A ( G) be a simple matrix. it has been proven that the individual status index equals the complete status index. 已有文献证明了在社会关系图(Sociogram)G中,如果A(G)是简单矩阵,则G的成员地位指数与其完全地位指数相等。
Firstly, the rotational reduction on vertebra was conducted, and then 3 kinds of functional exercise were performed according to physician order, feature of patients 'condition and individual status ( bed exercise, land exercise and instrument exercise in therapeutic gymnasium). 首先行脊椎旋转复位法治疗,然后根据医嘱、病情特点及个体状况采取3种锻炼形式(床上锻炼、地面锻炼和体疗室内器械锻炼)进行功能锻炼。
The factors that influence job search behavior mainly contain individual self-esteem, self-efficiency, job search motivation and so on, then job search behavior can influence the individual employment status and the employment quality. 影响工作搜索行为的因素主要有个体的自尊、自我效能感、工作搜索动机以及人格特质等,而个体的工作搜索行为又会影响到个体的就业情况和就业质量。
Education and occupation are the most prominent indicator of the individual social status that is positively link to the network range. 其中老年人的教育程度和职业地位对网络特征的影响最大,二者与网络范围有一种正向关系。
The third part is the domestic commercial bank individual financing business development status, through the thorough social investigation, analysis of the domestic commercial banks personal financial products and service development. 第三部分是国内商业银行个人理财业务发展现状,通过深入的社会调研,分析了国内商业银行个人理财产品分类及业务发展现状。
Some scholars have pointed out that the class background has increasingly impact the individual status of university graduates, and the one who has social capital will have a comparative advantage in employment, which has become an indisputable fact. 有的学者指出,阶层背景对个体地位获得上的影响越来越重要,大学毕业生谁拥有的社会资本多,谁在就业中就会处于比较优势,这已经成为一个不争的事实。
Lie detection is a technique used to detect individual conceal intention and status, which integrates psychology, biomedical, investigation and basic electronic and computer knowledge. 测谎技术是将心理学、生物医学、侦察讯问学及电子电路技术与基本的计算机知识等多种学科融为一体,对个人内心隐瞒意图和状态进行探测的一门科学。
Civic awareness is the self-awareness of individual citizens in political status and legal status. 公民意识是公民个人对自己在国家中的政治地位和法律地位的自我认识。
But after the 1990s, the theme of rural areas with the previous works of fiction have a significantly different, these works more from the human perspective, more attention to the lives of the individual status of the peasants and the rural future and destiny. 但其1990年代后以农村为题材的小说与以前的作品有了明显的不同,这些作品多从人性的视角出发,更多地关注农民个体的生活现状和农村的前途命运。
Studies have shown that self-esteem and individual status is the preference of the important factors in the individual intergroup. 已有研究表明,自尊和个体地位是影响个体群际偏好的重要因素。
Through questionnaires, individual interviews with the status of the rural teachers 'cooperation to inspect and reveal the problems. 笔者通过问卷调查、个体访谈对农村教师合作的现状进行考察,揭示存在的问题。